List Of Books To Keep In The Bathroom

They say kitchens sell houses, and that may be true to a certain extent, but there is one room in your home that will get more attention than any other space — your bathroom. Of course, everybody needs to sleep, but they can do that on the couch, in the bed, or on the floor. Everybody needs to eat, but today, that can happen in the living room or in the back seat of your car if you're busy with after-school activities.

One thing will always remain the same: Your porcelain throne is a place where you can make peace with life, no matter how hectic it gets outside your bathroom walls. It doesn't matter if you're entertaining guests or fulfilling the missions of your bathroom space — when it comes down to it, someone who enters those walls will be looking for a little downtime.

Since the time you spend in the bathroom is undetermined, make sure you have some entertainment on hand. Having a few great books standing by can make all the difference. Here are a few recommended bathroom reads:

Uncle John's Bathroom Reader

These are the quintessential bathroom books. They're fun and have all sorts of sections filled with short reading materials. The collection includes an assortment of entertainment, including:

• Trivia

• Books about random facts

• Fun facts

• Humor There's an entire world of words ready to be read while you're sitting on the John with these books!

Toilet Paper Origami

Nobody questions toilet paper's importance, but this book enables you to turn it from a functional product of design to a work of art. Each perforated piece can take on a new look, once you figure out where the folds go. It's perfect for the bathroom for obvious reasons — it uses the room's No. 1 element to provide time-passing art instructions. Simply pull off a few squares, follow the directions, and leave a fun little paper boat on the back of the toilet to greet the next person who needs to use the facilities. It's a great way to leave a little something behind without making a lot of enemies in your house!

What's Your Poo Telling You?

Written by a medical doctor, and backed by science, this book has a humorous approach to an activity we all do. Chances are, you're not going to take this book to your office or read it in the cafeteria during your lunch break. That's not to say it shouldn't be read, however! “What's Your Poo Telling You?” has found its home in bathrooms across the country. It's the perfect place to learn what makes your body tick, and why the result of that ticking looks and feels the way it does. Get ready to giggle a little because this book has a weird take on the twisting and turning organs inside your body. What do you think your poo is telling you? Here's a humorous way to find out!

National Geographic Magazine

OK, this may not be a book, per se, but you'd probably be surprised about how many people suddenly become science freaks when they're sitting on the throne. Perhaps people may never understand why the ancient pyramids in Egypt and poo time are perfect accompaniments to each other. We may never know why weird insects get so interesting when your intestines need to clean themselves. Test the theory by putting a small stack of Nat Geo in your loo, and listen for someone in your house to tell you about some intriguing information they've recently read.

100 Wonders of the World

Feeling a little adventurous? This book will give you insight into some of the most unbelievable spots on the planet. If you're ready to get out of your shell and plan a vacation you won't soon forget, “100 Wonders of the World” can get your mind going. If you have your phone close by, you may even be tempted to start looking up hotel and flight prices. After all, this would be the ultimate way to multitask!

When it comes to your porcelain palace, the smallest details can make the biggest difference. This is a room where accessories really matter. A single piece of hardware can change the entire look and feel. Lighting can change your lavatory from a place you have to visit to a room you don't want to leave.

At Modern Bathroom, we know how to do bathroom accessories right. From stunning vanities to high-quality plumbing supplies, we've got you covered. We invite you to browse our selection of bathroom accessories today. Ordering online is simple!

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