Modernized and Vintage Bathroom Vanities - Modern Bathroom
Feb 3rd through Feb 27th

Modernized and Vintage Bathroom Vanities

Millions of homeowners love the look of their older homes – old woodwork, beautiful tiles, unique fixtures and old fashioned cabinets. Their desire to retain and protect these cherished features makes many homeowners hesitate when it comes to remodeling or restoring a classic home.

These concerns are quite unnecessary when it comes to refitting a bathroom area because of the wide availability of antique bathroom vanities and reproductions. A homeowner can keep the overall look or “feel” of a vintage home simply by purchasing well made plumbing fixtures crafted in older styles, and by selecting from many modern bathroom vanities that are convincingly antique in their appearance.

While some may want to work at retaining or refurbishing older fixtures, it is a good idea to work with the more modern materials of contemporary bathroom vanities, which are better suited to resisting mildew growth, rot and damage from the damp and humid environment of the standard bathroom.

Additionally, almost any imaginable decorative style is available in modern bathroom vanities – from Art Deco to vintage European looks, there is a suitable fixture to meet every need or design scheme. In fact, the popularity of vintage and antique looks has made it possible to refit a bathroom believably from floor to ceiling.

During such a project however it is quite important for the designer or homeowner to be sure to locate or select from bathroom vanities before purchasing other elements such as fixtures, countertops and accessories. This is because bathroom vanities are the real heart or hub of the room and a good design plan will not just “incorporate” this key fixture, but actually be built around its features, design and style.

When selected with thought and consideration, bathroom vanities can both enhance and retain the overall appeal of a modern or vintage bathroom environment.



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