Ideas For Remodeling A Half Bath 21 June 2016 Erica-Garland Bath Storage & Accessories, General Bathroom Remodeling (0) Are you ready to breathe new life into your powder room? Wondering how you can upgrade your half bat [More]
What Makes The Perfect Guest Bathroom? 14 June 2016 Erica-Garland Bath Storage & Accessories, Bathtubs, Faucets, Other (0) Guest bathrooms are often one of the last places of your home to see updates. Rarely used by the hou [More]
Bathroom Decorating Ideas For Spring 15 March 2016 Erica-Garland Bath Storage & Accessories, General Bathroom Remodeling, Other (0) As the seasons change, so does home decorating — but while replacing a wreath on the front door ever [More]
Bathroom Cleaning Checklist 01 March 2016 Erica-Garland Bath Storage & Accessories, Bathtubs, General Bathroom Remodeling (0) Nothing says spring like a good sweeping and scrubbing of all your floors and surfaces — and what sp [More]
Fixing Up Your Bathroom To Sell Your House 23 February 2016 Erica-Garland Bath Storage & Accessories, General Bathroom Remodeling, Sinks, Vanities (0) Everybody from your real estate agent to your mother-in-law has probably been telling you that kitch [More]